ABM Custom webpage design
Existing webpage used as reference and starting point for new page design
Step 1: wireframe
Project goal was to design a webpage based on an Apollo webcast series covering account based marketing and how Apollo could help companies accelerate their GraphQL success.
Tasked to utilize information from existing webpage and design information in a way that would grow awareness and help educate and inform potential customers.
This page would be customized for clients in various industries including retail,
Illustrations would need to be created that could speak to various industries and help team utilize one page for each and swapping images/content where needed to speak to those unique audiences
Approach: Working with partners to create information hierarchy
Step 2: Add in Brand
Utilize brand color and existing assets and components to begin to integrate brand with information and content on the newly designed page
Designed header that could support a video or illustration
Added icons to introduce a new visual element that might draw users to content
Added existing brand styling for video resource content
Custom Illustrations created for Audiences
Step 3: Introduce illustration, photography, text, & refine styling
Created illustrations to speak to various industries
Added additional branding elements to help add visual interest to page
Took out icons and utilized numeric visual system to help call attention to useful points for users
Added imagery for video resource content
Added sales rep information and photography to introduce human element to page and ‘contact’ content